Geary Pacific Supply

239 Experts Claim COVID-19 is Airborne and Why This is Important to You

Posted on Monday Jun 14, 2021 at 08:12AM in IAQ

Up until very recently, the consensus among the medical community was that COVID-19 was only transmitted person to person via respiratory droplets. These droplets containing the virus could also land on surfaces and be “picked up” by other parties, thereby expanding the possibility of increased infection rates. Because of this consensus, we implemented social distancing, mass surface disinfection, face coverings, etc.

Now, we have 239 experts who are claiming that COVID-19 can also be transmitted through the air. If this is correct, there are many additional precautionary steps that need to be taken by those responsible for any buildings with HVAC systems and occupants. In particular, restaurants, retailers, grocers, and especially schools will all need to take additional steps.

Schools in particular will need to be extremely proactive, as we typically have a high number of occupants in a small space for a very long period time. Increased fresh air ventilation, high efficiency air filtration, and UV purification are some steps recommended to help combat the possible airborne virus.

“Ventilation systems in schools, nursing homes, residences and businesses may need to minimize recirculating air and add powerful new filters. Ultraviolet lights may be needed to kill viral particles floating in tiny droplets indoors.”

While this new information may be troubling, the good news is that these technologies already exist. In fact, there are school districts that are already using some of the indoor air quality products to protect students and faculty.

For more information on protecting your business, home, or school, please reach out to the indoor air quality experts at Geary Pacific Supply.

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